In less than 24 hours I will be on the road to portland. To say that I'm excited would be the understatement of the year. I would say that for at least four months I have wanted to see the monkeys in concert. I waited patiently for them to announce when they would be coming to Boise. However after announcing Salt Lake City, Utah; Somewhere in Canada, Seattle, Washington and Portland Oregon...I have to ask; did they forget Idaho? We are right there in the middle of all of those places so I can only guess that they forgot about us or possibly will be coming back through later this year.
For that reason I am super excited about the oppourtunity to drive to Portland and see the monkey in concert. I must admit however that reading about the venue I am slightly scared that the guys have picked a place that feels it is too good to serve people who care less about appearance and more about awesome music. The doug fir lounge has some reviews which make me think that it is trying too hard to be "cool" and "hip" and that is something I don't get down with. When I get back from Portland I will do a total review and post my personal experience and opinion.
PS: The guys over at the doug fir lounge are not paying me to do this. I simply want to tell you about my experience in Portland.
Have a good time!