Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oh, life isn't all work?

Wow!  I had forgotten exactly how hard it is to be on your feet all day...I don't know how nurses and doctors do it.  At the end of an eight and a half hour shift I just want to cut my legs off.  Seriously though, the house is a wreck; I'm way behind in reading much less commenting on my favorite blogs, and writing hasn't been in the cards for too many reasons to count.

I don't want this blog to become nothing but a whine fest so I'm going to list some of the awesome things that have happened in past week or so.

I got all 9 of the books that I purchased with my Amazon gift card :)
The bad news is that haven't been able to even begin to read them :(

I also recieved my new foot soaking/massage bath :)
I haven't had the energy to heat the water up to actually use it yet :(

My husband and I got the house cleaned up in time for thanksgiving :)
The people and food left the house looking worse than before :(

All of the laundry is washed and dried :)
It is sitting in a mountain of unfolded crap on the bedroom floor :(

I have the cutest cat in the whole world :)
He sheds like nobody's business :(

All in all This week has had it's share of ups and downs, But I am thankful to have a wonderful husband, a wonderful house, plenty to eat, and a job.  There are so many out there that wish their problems were as miniscule as mine, and I am looking ahead to having a better attitude ad thankful heart.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

...Oh thanks Aaron, Appreciate it!

So as I mentioned I started work on thursday...I've had four 8 and a half hour shifts since then...Yeah it's been great to get out of the house, but since we are a one car family that means I make the twenty minute walk to and from work adding close to an hour onto my day.  Aarons work is closer to a 45 minute walk and putting me on a bike is seriously just asking for a broken ankle/knee/or whatever else.  I love working, honestly I do.  It gets me out of the house, gives us some extra cash, and in general helps keep me from being a bum.  All that considered, my husband is kind of a slob.  He isn't terrible of anything, I swear! 

I am just the one who has always taken care of laundry, cooking, cleaning.  Everything around the house has always been done by me, because I haven't had a job in two and a half years.  I have arthritis in my knees and hips, and have a bad back which means that I am in pain at the end of my shift.  After my walk home I am ready to fall into bed and pass out.  The house has fallen by the wayside and my husband keeps telling me just to write down what needs to be done each day and we will split is up...are you joking?  You don't even put your dishes in the sink, trash in the can and I can't remember the last time you took care of the cats liter without me begging you for 10 minutes.

Now, that's not saying my husband is gross or anything, and our bathrooms stay clean.  No junk on the counters, no hair in the sink, he really is pretty good.  I just don't understand someone who needs to be told how to "straighten up"  It's not rocket science.  If you use something put it back when your done.  If you put a tea packet in your water...walk the 5 steps to the trash can instead of leaving it on the counter.  Sometimes I wonder about that boy.  Today I only have a 6 hour shift so I guess when I get home I will put the rock on as loud as I can and do a top to bottom clean before starting my cooking for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

23 never looked so goood!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So....I hurt the car today...

The day before my birthday and I went to do something nice for the hubby.  (I was going to vacuum it out and clean the trash out)  I went to the place on base and emptied all of the trash out of it, and it was pretty windy so I was only opening one door at a time.  Then It was time to start vacuuming it out, so I get in the drivers side door to back up to be closer to the hose...and you guessed it left the door open.  It ended up being bent back pretty far, so now we have $2,100 worth of damage to the car... Great!  So I have to file a claim and pay a $500 deductible. 

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday in Color

My Saturday went something like this:

2:47 Get woken up by Aaron who is coming home from work
2:52 Try to go back to sleep
3:11 Give up on falling back to sleep and hang out with Aaron until his 6:00 AM bed time
5:38 Aaron declares he is going to bed
5:46 The cat starts crying at the bedroom door This continues off and on for about 30 minutes
6:27 Put the cat into the laundry room/Watch recorded shows on the DVR
9:02 Take a shower/Get dressed/Brush hair and teeth
9:24 Start a batch of Gluten free Muddie Buddies for the ESC craft Bazaar
9:56 Arrive at craft Bazaar and spend two hours selling cookbooks and treats
12:00 Come home and lay down for a nap
3:37  Aaron comes in and asks "Are you going to get up" I reply with a five minute request.
3:38 I Throw myself out of bed after hearing the time...I have to get ready for my Birthday celebration!
3:50 I Text roxy to let her know I am awake and getting ready
4:17 I call tucanos to secure a reservation and it's 5:30 or 8:00  5:30 it is...
5:22 We arrive at Tucano's safely.
5:48 We are already eating the delicious offerings
6:53 We leave to go to Kohls where Aaron buys me 2 pairs of nice pants and 3 nice top sets
8:03 We decide to come back to Mountain Home to hit up some clubs
9:00 Go to Kurly's for the first round...Get bored
9:38 Walk to Mark Anthony's to smoke a hookah...awesome!
10:02 Go to Pick up Wendi and Mark
10:47 Arrive at Rodeo, the pool playing/dancing/drinking commences!

It was a fantastic birthday celebration and on Thursday I am going with Mirinda to The midnight release of New Moon!  Pinch me because I am pretty sure I must be dreaming.  This has been the best birthday since I got married 3 years ago.  I think the hubby is finally getting the hang of it.

What I saw Saturday morning outside in the backyard.

At Tucanos' where we ate dinner.  It was amazing and so yummy!

Before Leaving I asked one of the guys smoking outside to snap a picture of the four of us.

At Rodeo's Before I had a few drinks,  Aaron gracioulsy offered to DD for me.

Mike wanted a picture with him being the "creepy" guy in the background throwing up the "shocker"
Me, Wendi and Roxy

Mike doing his best Michael Jackson in front of a fan

This is how the night ended with me and Wendi dancing on stage to "I'm on a Boat" with two random chicks... I plead the Fifth.

Thanks everyone for an awesome Birthday Celebration.  Roxy and Mike we are going to miss you when you leave for Virginia in a few months.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Did I mention???

That Wednesday the 18th is my birthday?  That's right I will be 23 years old.  It seems so weird, I was telling Aaron the other day how sometimes it feels like I'm still only 19 and newly married.  As a sort of birthday thing we are going to Tucanos tonight for dinner.  I am very excited about this because it's supposed to be a real treat.  They carry around meat on huge platters/spits and carve it right there at the table.  We have never been to one, but we are really excited about the experience.  I will post pictures and tell all about it later.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dear so and so, about the holidays

Dear Holidays,

This year I am back with my husband but I'm far far away from my family.  Please stop trying to rush us.  I love you and it's okay to take plenty of time.  I am super excited about making a whole thanksgiving this year including a turkey.  And then there will be a whole month devoted to Christmas, don't go rushing Christmas I love the baking of thanksgiving.
Love me

Dear Husband,

I am sorry that we are on opposite schedules right now, but I am very excited about getting a job.  Please be supportive and help out around the house.  I won't be here 24 hours a day now, and you will have to learn to put clothes in the bin, and put dishes in the washer, and trash in the can.  This isn't rocket science I know your mom didn't follow you around throwing everything away for you and I won't be doing it anymore either.
Love your wonderful wife

Dear Creative Juices,

Thank you for flowing again, I am so excited to be writing again,  I love feeling like I am finally doing what I was meant to do.  Please don't stop.  I will feed you chocolate, and give you a massage if you want me to, just don't desert me for so long again.  It was hard feeling like I couldn't get past the road block in my mind.
Love the writer in me

Dear Back,

I hate you!  That's right, if I never had to use you again it would be too soon.  I am tired of the muscle spasms, the crunching and popping, and feeling in general like you are going to give out at any time.  I am only 22 and this is completel unaccaptable.  Do you understand me?  Get into shape or I will be having them fuse you...I know you don't want that so please give me a break.
Love your owner

Dear Family,

I know you don't want to feel like you are crowding me, but you have my number.  Please feel free to call me.  Even if it is just to talk...I miss you guys.
Love your Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Grand daughter

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New hair and a new job, it's my week!

     I filled out an application for a part time job on Saturday or Sunday and on Monday I had gotten a call back. I went in on Monday and had an impromtu interview. On Tuesday I got offered the position. I am amazed at how quickly things come toogether when it's right. They are filling my background check and when that comes back I will start training. I am going to be working at the customer service desk at the BX. It is litterally a 5 minute walk from my house, and I am so excited to be working part time again. I Haven't worked for a company in two and ahalf years and I hope I pick it up quickly and things go well, but I am very glad to get out of the house and bring in a little extra cash. I will be getting about 20 hours a week during the holidays and between 3-19 once the holidays are over but I will be eligible for regular part time if a position opens up, and to be honest it will be nice to start out slow.

     I have been fortunate enough that I haven't had to work and have a husband that is completely supportive of whatever I want to do. That being said, I haven't been able to find a family to babysit for (which is what I really love) and I am starting to go stir-crazy now that the house is basically set up how I want it. This will be a nice way to pay down on the very little we owe here and there, and give us some extra spending money for the upcoming Comic con we are going to.

     I got a hair cut! I got quite a few inches taken off all around and I changed the color. Let me know what you think? This is the first time I have ever had red/auburn hair. I think it works but Let me know.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another fantastic recipe!

Ok, I am not going to lie this stuff looks seriously gross while you are making it, and it looks pretty gross once it's finished (Aaron looked at me like I was nuts the first time I made it)  However,  it is seriously deliscious.  No Joke this is yummy and quick and super easy.  We call it Beef nacho Casserole and it is a very different recipe than when I first started making it.

1 pound lean beef (or Turkey if you'd like)
1 packet taco seasoning
Half a cup of water
1 can drained corn
Half a can of salsa (whichever kind you like)  I use Mild Pace
About half a cup of sour cream (although it is usually more)
Some tortilla chips
Shredded Extra sharp cheddar

Brown Beef in a skillet, add taco seasoning and water, mix in corn, salsa, and sour cream until well blended.  Pour half of mixture in a baking dish (see picture below) layer on crushed chips and cheese, pour remaining mixture, layer crushed chips and cheese.  Bake at 350' for 30 minutes.

I love this stuff because it is a little spicy and a little sweet because of the corn.  It is great for when you are tired and just want something quick.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteren's Day Parade

Wednesday is Veteran's day and to honor all those who have served before and all of those still serving Boise, Id had a parade on Saturday.  Aaron was asked to don his Service Blues and ride a bus out at 7:00 AM to march in this parade.  Despite being on swing shift and not normally getting off work until 4:00 AM he agreed.  They let him off at 8:30 the night before, however it is impossible to just force yourself to fall asleep because you need to wake up early the next morning.  Aaron got an hour and a half nap, and I stayed up to make sure he woke up when his alarm went off.  I tell my husband most days how proud I am of him, However he isn't in the military to hear people say thanks, most days he works a 12 hour shift, makes very little money and lives across the country from his family.  He spent 13 months in Korea with no family and he rarely complained.  My husband does this because he believes, despite the faults our country has, that this country is worth defending.

If you know someone who is currently in, or has served in the past, please go out of your way just to tell them that you are thinking about them.  I cannot tell you how much strangers kindness has meant to my husband.  On his way to Korea (wearing ABU'S on a 14 hour flight) he had several people come up and tell him thanks, and that they were praying for our men.  There are still so many people however that don't know that Iraq and Afghanistan aren't the only places our boys deploy to.  There is still Kuait, South Korea, Turkey, and plenty of other places that they are sent without their families.  My husband returned home at the beginning of June and may be leaving again sometime during January or Feburary.  Most military families have been through at least one and some have bee through 4 or 5.  Keep all of those serving in your prayers.

A tank.  There were two there and it was awesome to see them get moving.

The Scottish band.  It was awesome to see people preserving this traditon.

The warrior riders.

Can't hide that AirForce pride!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Homemade Vegtable Beef Soup

My Mom has some awesom recipes, but this is one of my favorites.  I love how hearty, homey, and deliscious this soup is.  Everytime I make it I remeber some event that we had it at.  On the first snow day of the year, or any other number of times we had this.  It's perfect if your family is all over the place, we called it a "grazing" food.  My mom would put it on at lunch time and whenever we had time for dinner 6:00 before practice or 8:00 after practice, this is a great way to eat home cooked, without having to compromise on time. If you are weary of leaving the stove on low while you aren't there or right in the kitchen, you can use a crock pot once the beef is browned.  I browned the beef in this pot and added the ingredients from there.

I have made a few tweeks because I can't seem to help myself...

1 1/2 pounds 93/7 ground beef. (You can use turkey if you want something healthier)
1 14oz. can petite diced tomatoes (undrained)
1 package Liptons Beefy onion soup mix (this can be found in the soup aisle, in a blue box)
2 cups water
3 cans swansons beef broth
1 Medium onion
3 large Potatoes (I used baking potatoes and skinned them)
2 carrots (or a handful of little ones)
1/2 cup frozen corn
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup frozen green beans
1/2 cup frozen lima beans

Brown Hamburger.  Drain excess grease off.
Mix Hamburger, Tomatoes, Water, Beefy Onion Soup Mix, Beef Broth together.
Dice Onion, Potatoes and Carrots.  Add to mix
Bring to a boil over medium heat
Turn heat to medium low,for four hours
Add frozen vegtables, cook for another 2 hours
Add salt and pepper as desired.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Korea Part Deux

There will be another part or two to my Korea adventure, I still haven't covered Lottemart, The Juicy bars, or bulgogi.  Since Aaron was in Korea During Chirstmas and I came on january 2nd.  We celebrated Christmas in His doorm room once we had made our journey through Seoul, Osan, and lotteworld.  Aaron was stationed at Kunsan AirBase about 20 minutes from Kunsan city, and about 10 minutes from A-town which is short for America Town. 

This was our "christmas"  I brought the "Tree" which I got at Barnes and Noble.  All the wrapped presents are ones I brought in my second suitcase.

Lots of snow while we were there. 

Ahh this is a picture of some of his friends at Dasarongs which was in Kunsan city. There is a button you have to press to get people to wait on you.

Gluttonous Chicken with some cabbage covered in some weird sauce.

Jicima and Chicken fingers.  This is their idea of "American" food

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sayings my Step Dad always says...

As I've said before I was born and raised in Durham, NC  my parents divorced when I was three and My Mom remarried My step-Dad by the time I was 6.  I had every other weekend at my Dad's house, and I love him dearly.  He did what he felt was best leaving me to live with my mom during the school week so that I wasn't shuffled from one house to another during school.  However, this means that I am very close to my Step-Dad,  I even call him Dad but that is confusing to people and actually upsets my Dad.  I am such a lucky woman to have not one, but two loving and caring fathers.

My step-dad is a twin, and they are the youngest of 7.  His father left shortly after he was born and he was raised by a single mother, that being said they were very poor, although he swears up and down that he didn't realize they were poor until he was grown.  His mom instilled in him a work ethic and every one of his brothers and sisters is doing well and a hard worker.  His Mother died of cancer when he was 16 and his older sister took him in until he graduated.  My aunt and uncle are amazing people.  This back story is just so that you understand how well he has done for himself.

My step-dad owns a resteraunt.  He started as a busboy/dishwasher, then moved onto cook, then waiter, then host and eventually co-manager with his brother.  Now he owns it all by himself, there is no parent company, it isn't a franchise, it is a 24 hour diner.  That just wasn't enough for him though,  He went on to get his broker's liscense and started a Real estate agency with his sister, they began by renting an office in a building, they now own a house and have 3 other people working under them.  Then he went on to buy rental properties, first one house then another, he now co-owns 5 houses with a man from our church, and has another 3 that he has seperately.

He gets maybe 6 hours of sleep a night although usually he is lucky if he gets 5 and he still wakes up with the biggest smile and a loud booming voice.  You can almost feel his joy at just being alive and able to work another day.  When I was younger I couldn't understand how he could be so happy to go to work all day only to get up and do it all over again the next day.  Now I do.  He is so full of Christ's love that it just pours out of him.  He is so proud to be able to work and provide for his family that he can't help but smile.  He always used to say all of these silly things and now I'm going to share them.

I'm so tired and I'm so sore,
I'll never do it for a nickel no more,
15 cents is my new price,
Give me a quarter and I'll do it twice.

I'm the boss applesauce,
Understand rubber band?
Don't get wise bubble eyes
Do, I'll knock you down to peanut size

He woke us up every single morning with some song or other, 

Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory

Wakey wakey eggs and bakey

Or some other made up total nonsense...I miss being able to hug him everyday,  He is truly a man among men.  He believes that if you want emplys to respect you, you have to respect them.  He leaves work at work almost all of the time, and he still pinches my mom on the butt and kisses her like they just started dating.  He taught me how to treat people right.  He makes me smile.  I love him just like a father.

Friday, November 6, 2009

South Korea!

I've mentioned that Aaron spent 13 months in south Korea with the Air Force.  I think I might have also mentioned that I was lucky enough to spend a month there with him.  Here are a few pictures of my trip to Korea I will explain where each picture was taken and what exactly is in it.

This was taken Literally 10 hours after I landed in Seoul.  We went to bed, and went into town to eat.  This was near Youngsan/Garrison which is located just outside of Seoul, it is an Army base.  We had to spend a few days there waiting on a piece of luggage.  This was my first taste of soju, and trying beef on a leaf.

This is what I saw when we first sat down to eat.  The thing in the far left top corner is the raw beef, that they cook on a grill at the table.  On the left in the front is Kimchi, there are many different varieties and some of it is quite good.  The middle top is some pickled bean sprouts.  The top Right is some dried seaweed. The bottom right is some noodles in a maynaisse sauce.  The bottom middle is fresh seaweed.  Not pictured are the leaves you put this all on and the rice also.

This is a picture of Aaron and I at Lotte World.  Lotte is like walmart or Disney, they have their hand in everything.  This is an amusement park that is open 365 days a year...On this particular day it was 18 degrees and we rode the Steepest woode rollar coaster in the world.  The T express.  It was a total blast even though it was freezing.

This is a picture of another beef on a leaf resteraunt and the ever present Soju, this is common fare in Korea although it's not very filling.  Later I will post some pictures of Bulgougi which is extra tasty and very filling.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Shooting

I just wanted to post quickly and let everyone know that I am praying for all involved in this horrible shooting.  I am praying for all stationed at fort hood as this must be a terrible shock to you.  I am also praying for all military families out there.  If there is anything going on please seek the help that you need.  I am praying for you and will be lifting all of those serving our country up tonight and in the future.

Seriously though, here are some of my favorite blogs!

I figured that I would do a best of, blog roll and give a list of the blogs I read that I always look forward to when they post.

In the category of Most personality, and quirkiest situations is:  The Peach Tart

In the category of most outrageous by a Female: Yellow Trash Diaries

In the category of best mom blog: The Rocking Pony

In the category of best social worker blog: Trench Warfare

In the category of best Australian blog: Sleepless Nights

In the category of best working mom blog: Libby Logic

In the category of best food blog :Give Peas A Chance

In the category of best geeky mom blog: Confessions of a coal minors daughter

In the category of best funny blog: Cake wrecks

In the category of best random blog: Bacon is my lover

But in all seriousness, if you are on my follow list, I love your blog.  I Read every single post you make, and even if I'm not leaving a comment I am enjoying it.  If you haven't checked out these blogs though I suggest you give them a shot.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween how quickly you come and go.

Halloween is gone, but here are our costumes.
I never realize how dark my hair is until it's up against black

Aaron was a bleeding chest grim reaper
I was a witch.

Roxy was a pregnant witch
Micheal was a teddy bear (made out of an actual teddy bear)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Random Tuesday

So in an effort to keep myself on track with This 30 day shred I am also going to do NaBloPoMo.  I am going to post everyday this month in an attempt to continue telling witty and true stories about my life here in Idaho.  Today I am taking down my halloween decorations and making my first batch of chili for the season. 

Have I mentioned I love fall?  This is my favorite season of the year and it's my favorite month of the year.  I am turning 23 in 2 weeks and I feel content with where my life is right now.  I am happily married and living with him again this birthday (he was in korea last year).  I am working on getting back into shape and I got the best ever Christmas present from Aaron last night....

I'm sure you are thinking A Christmas present in Novemember?   We bought our 4 day passes to Comicon!!!  We will be in San diego next july for 4 whole days of geekyiness and dressing up!  I am so excited and this is the driving force in me wanting to lose weight.  I want to look good when I get dressed up as whatever character I decide to be.

This Post has been brought to you by Random tuesday's over here at The Un Mom

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm sorry I think I left...

I think I left my muscles back a few years ago and I can't seem to find them.  I used to be very active when I was younger, soccer, softball, dancing, acro.  I did lots of things to stay active.  Then in high school I joined theater arts and quit doing anything physical.  I was always in shape and it didn't become a problem until I started Birth control.

I am one of those women who has awful awful cramps around the week of my period.  I also have a history of ovarian cysts caused by my ovulation.  Birth control prevents ovulation and therefore prevents the type of Cysts I develop.  It also helps with my acne.  Of course it also serves its intended purpose of preventing pregnancy...thank goodness.

However When I experimented with which type of BC would work best for me I began my journey by getting the Depo shot.  for three months I was an emotional wreck.  I gained 20 lbs in 3 months.  Then I went off to college and switched to Yazmin (which I loved)  I gained another 15 lbs.  When I got married and ended up in the hospital with 3 cysts in 4 months my gynecologist and I decided it was time to try something else.  When you are told you might loose an ovary at 20 you decide skipping a pill every now and then really does make it much less effective.

I switched to the Nuva Ring!!!  It was finally a great fit!  I love not having to remember a pill every day, I love that my periods are light and easy to deal with.  I love that I can keep it in for three weeks and then take it out for a week and put a new one in. 

I am still overweight.  I had to have knee surgery last year because of some bone spurs, and a thick synovial lining.  I have to lose the weight.  I am about 25 lbs away from where I want to be.  I started day one of jillian micheals 30 day shred and it kicked my Ass.  I am not even joking, I felt like I was going to pass out 3 minutes in.  I don't know how I am going to make it through 30 days of this.  So here is to hoping that the next 30 days do not end in me collapsed in the hospital for whatever.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How was my Halloween you ask?

It was Frakking fantastic...we passed out candy.  To close to 100 trick or treaters, the best costume of the night was flava flave, complete with a giant clock necklace and gold fronts.  Aaron scared the kiddies in a bleeding chest grim reaper costume.  I passed out candy and he stood at the screen door just standing and bleeding.

Our friends Roxy and Mike came by to show us their costumes and to invite us out later.  We haven't been out since we got here so we went.  It was nice to go out and meet some new people and hang out with roxy and mike before they leave at the end of next month.

I will post pictures later.