I am slightly obsessed with my newest favorite band. I have both of their albumns and various singles downloaded on my Ipod, and I have a hard copy of the most recent albumn. When they announced a 100 city tour this year I danced around the living room for 30 minutes before realizing they hadn't announced which cities they would be touring....
Then two weeks later I find that they are indeed coming to Boise, ID a mere hour from our little town, and I about died right then and there. However they release dates only a few weeks in advance (If we're lucky) and they are only doing one date in idaho, if I have to work tough luck I won't be able to go. Well a couple of weeks ago they announced a date in Portland oregon... for january 19th. I jokingly told my husband, if I end up having the 19th and 20th off together I'm going to portland.
Yesterday I found out That next week I am working every day except the 19th and 20th....I called the husband in aa frenzy...."Can I go? I can't believe I got those two days off, it can't be a coincidence...it just can't be! I was meant to go see them next week"
I called while at the commisary and he was like "Yeah you can go, we'll talk when you get home...Don't have a heartattack"
I got home and he was like "Buy the ticket. You should go, You've been dying to go for months now, it's only a 7 and a half hour drive. I won't be able to get off work though, not this close out."
I was crestfallen, I had wanted to see them in concert for months, he was right about that. I didn't really want to go without him, but I knew he was right about not being able to get the time off so soon. "You won't have the car, how will you get to work."
"I'll get a ride, buy the ticket."
"But, but, Are you sure?" I pleaded not wanting him to be mad.
I am going to see 100 monkeys in Concert in less than a week and a half and I am so excited about it I might pop! I still cannot believe that I'm going on my first mini-road trip to see a band, and yet, I'll be doing it by myself. I think I'm okay with that. I'm 23, I can take a 2 day trip and not die just because I'm by myself. Any kind words? Any stories of trips you've made to see a band you love?
I actually want to go see Albanach in PA in February. Hubs doesn't want to go, but if I say I'll just go w/o him, he'll go. I'm sure you'll do fine, just be careful!