Saturday, May 29, 2010

You've been gone too long....and all that jazz!

I should issue some nonsense about never staying away this long again and updating more regularly and other lies, but I won't.  I will say that the past few months have been filled with some of the happiest moments of my life.

I was able to go home for almost a week and a half and witness the birth of my nephew Jacob.  I was able to visit my wonderful family and friends.  I have also been working 34 or so hours a week and spending as much time as possible with my husband before he leaves for another year in Korea in September.

On to fluffy things.  Today I got an oil warmer for the very first time...not a wax melter, or a candle.  An oil warmer!  It's like the newest most awesome thing ever!  In less than ten minutes my entire house smells like delicious and yummyness.  I got three oils from the body shop to go with my warmer and my favorite scent is smells like kool-aid and happiness.

I will try to update with some regularity from now on but seriously when you get 2 inches of snow on may 22nd....and have still been living with weather more suited to winter, you really don't feel like doing too much of anything.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Lesson in Thankfulness

About 6 months ago, I had a moment of panic.  Not just a passing moment, but a few months where everyday I felt pangs of guilt, anger and sadness.  I was so jealous of all my brothers' and sisters' having children that I couldn't see straight.

When Aaron and I got married we decided well before hand that we would wait 7 to 10 years before having children.  We were only 19 and 20 respectively and no where near ready to bring a child into the world.  That's not to say that we thought it would be the end of the world if it happened sooner, we just planned to wait.

6 months ago, I found out my younger sister was pregnant and I'm ashamed to say that the first thing I thought was 'I should be first.'  I tried to rationalize my anger and jealousy.  I tried to factor in that I had been married nearly 3 years at the time, and still hadn't gotten pregnant because we weren't financially ready and that my husband and I were 'doing it the right way.'  I was mad at her for taking something from me.  What, I wasn't exactly sure.  I just knew that it was my right and she had stolen it.

My husband and I lay in the bed that night and I sobbed while he held me.  I cried deep, wracking tears.  I let every insecurity and dream fall into his arms that night and I told him I wanted a child.  He looked me in the eyes and said. "Then go off birth control and we will start trying before we turn the spare room into a guest room."  He was being so logical that I took a step back and decided that this baby fever would pass and we would just wait it out.

For months everytime I saw a baby I felt a clench in my stomach and hormones nearly took over.  However I stuck by our original decision, and endured through my jealousy and anger.  For almost 3 months I was sad and angry because I have always wanted children but I knew it wasn't the right time.  I have prayed and prayed and God has continued to tell me to ''Wait'

I thought I might never get over my anger and feelings of loss, but I have.  It's taken a while and everyday I have to pray and remind myself that God has a plan, and that thought I don't understand it, I need to trust in him.  I also look at the lives we lead, and realize how fortunate we are to be able to do all of the things we do.  With a child there is no way we could pick up and drive the 7 hours to Portland to see a concert.  We need to remember the blessing we are given in this time alone together and use it to strengthen our relationship before there is a child in the equation.

Today I am thankful,  I know it is hard to be thankful in everything, but I am trying.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

We checked into the Jupiter Hotel and put our stuff into our room. It was small but very cute and the bed was super comfortable. I think part of Aaron’s biggest excitement was that we would be able to eat at Chipotle while we were in town and so we got the GPS out of the car (which was in an underground garage) and typed in Chipotle. We walked the near mile in cold and somewhat dreary conditions, however we made it there and enjoyed a head sized burrito each. We began the walk home and wouldn’t luck have it that it began drizzling when we got about 3 blocks away.

As we made our way into the garage to get some things from the car I spotted the van with the trailer attached and I noticed Marty standing there with his back to me talking on his phone. I was a little wet, and looking somewhat bedraggled from driving 7 hours so I made my way to the car to get the plates of cookies and brownies I had made for the guys. Jared had specifically asked for brownies at one concert and so I was bringing some to give them at the show.

As I am pulling them out of the car Uncle Larry and Jared walked out of the lounges back entrance to help with the unloading. I about died. Jared was looking far too adorable in his suit and tie with his Mohawk looking perfect. Uncle was looking very uncle like in a purple suit and shades. I walked over to them and looked at Uncle. He looked at me and said. “Can I help you?” I am sure I was standing there with my mouth hanging open or something.

“Um….actually these are for you.” I handed him the plates with cookies and brownies and his face lit up. He smiled at me and said “aww, well thanks for that,” and he reached over to hug me. I leaned in but realized that I was wet a little too late and ended up giving him a sort of half hug. As I pulled back Jared looked over at me and said. “Thanks.” I was so shocked that I kind of mumbled and walked away.

We made our way back upstairs where I proceeded to text all of the girls that I was going to be meeting at the concert. We chatted back and forth and I started to get ready. Long story short a couple of hours later I was dressed and ready and we were hanging out at the bar until we were ready to stand in line outside. We got outside and we had a blast while waiting in line. I met some wonderful ladies who I had chatted with online, but never met in person and we laughed and joked about different things.

As we made our way down into the area where the concert was going to be, we were excited to get spots right in front of the stage. I was standing right against the stage and had an amazing view. After the starting band (the patterns) played a few songs the guys came out to set up their gear. Jackson began setting up the keyboard and I said to him. “I’m the one who brought the brownies.”

He leaned forward and looked me in the eye and said, “Well thanks darlin.” Then he reached over and shook my hand.  I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited the whole concert. They were about 1000 percent better in concert than their CD. I have loved their music since I first heard it and in concert they are that much better!

As the concert progressed between songs Jared was standing in front of me and I jokingly asked. “How were the brownies?” I honestly wasn’t expecting an answer so I was surprised to have him lean down and respond.
“They were awesome! I ate way too many.” Color me floored! I was just so happy to be there listening to some of my favorite band that I couldn’t believe I was able to actually talk to these guys. I got to shake Jared’s hand at the end of the concert and also got his autograph on the back of my ticket. It was truly a night to remember.
That is how the concert went. Totally amazing. Way better than I ever could have expected and definitely worth the drive.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thinking thoughts too big for me.

The concert was amazing, but I will write more on that later.  I promise.

Last night as I lay in bed trying to sleep I began to think.  I imagine this is the hardest part of the day for some people.  Where you are so tired that your body just wants to pass out but your mind is turning over a thousand tiny things, like rocks in a tumbler.  My brain is always trying to polish new ideas or reuse some old ones.

Lately I have been evaluating life.  I think it may be the new year, or possibly the fact that I turn contemplative every so often.  Something I read yesterday has been pinging around inside my head since we left portland yesterday.  This is paraphrased from the book "Whiter than snow"  it is a devotional by Dr. Paul David Tripp.  My mom got it for me for Christmas, and I was finally able to sit down and read the first few pages.

"Our lives are not one big decision after another.  We don't swing from life changing event to life changing event.  Our live is the sum of the thousands of small decisions we make each day."

Profound, right?  It got me thinking about my priorities in life.  What did I want my life to have been about once it was over?  Do I want people to remember me?  Am I okay with just being a decent person, and leading an average life?  Do I want to aim higher and have a larger margain for error?

These were the thoughts swimming through my head last night which had me wondering why I blog at all?  Am I really doing that great a job at chronicling our lives here in the northwest?  No, I suppose I'm not.  I think I do it as a way to make sense of the thoughts I have.  I do it to help keep sane.  I do it to try to fulfill my want to be famous...I know you aren't supposed to admit those things, but there you have it. 

I wanted to be an actress in High school.  I didn't persue that career, and the more I see people my age doing things I wish I could have done the more introspective I become.  I love my life.  I am content each day with what I have and who I am with.  My husband is the most amazing husband out there.  He sometimes drives me batty, but he is the love of my life.  Does that mean I can't have dreams and desires to do more?  No, I don't think it does.  I've been thinking more and more about what I will do when he leaves in September for another year unaccompanied.  Last time I moved back home and lived with my family.  That isn't really an option this time for a multitude of reasons.

I'll write more later.

Monday, January 18, 2010

One more day!

In less than 24 hours I will be on the road to portland.  To say that I'm excited would be the understatement of the year.  I would say that for at least four months I have wanted to see the monkeys in concert.  I waited patiently for them to announce when they would be coming to Boise.  However after announcing Salt Lake City, Utah; Somewhere in Canada, Seattle, Washington and Portland Oregon...I have to ask; did they forget Idaho?  We are right there in the middle of all of those places so I can only guess that they forgot about us or possibly will be coming back through later this year.

For that reason I am super excited about the oppourtunity to drive to Portland and see the monkey in concert.  I must admit however that reading about the venue I am slightly scared that the guys have picked a place that feels it is too good to serve people who care less about appearance and more about awesome music.  The doug fir lounge has some reviews which make me think that it is trying too hard to be "cool" and "hip" and that is something I don't get down with.  When I get back from Portland I will do a total review and post my personal experience and opinion.

PS: The guys over at the doug fir lounge are not paying me to do this.  I simply want to tell you about my experience in Portland.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Should I feel bad?

I am slightly obsessed with my newest favorite band.  I have both of their albumns and various singles downloaded on my Ipod, and I have a hard copy of the most recent albumn.  When they announced a 100 city tour this year I danced around the living room for 30 minutes before realizing they hadn't announced which cities they would be touring....

Then two weeks later I find that they are indeed coming to Boise, ID a mere hour from our little town, and I about died right then and there.  However they release dates only a few weeks in advance (If we're lucky) and they are only doing one date in idaho, if I have to work tough luck I won't be able to go.  Well a couple of weeks ago they announced a date in Portland oregon... for january 19th.  I jokingly told my husband, if I end up having the 19th and 20th off together I'm going to portland.

Yesterday I found out That next week I am working every day except the 19th and 20th....I called the husband in aa frenzy...."Can I go?  I can't believe I got those two days off, it can't be a just can't be!  I was meant to go see them next week" 

I called while at the commisary and he was like "Yeah you can go, we'll talk when you get home...Don't have a heartattack"

I got home and he was like "Buy the ticket.  You should go, You've been dying to go for months now, it's only a 7 and a half hour drive.  I won't be able to get off work though, not this close out."

I was crestfallen, I had wanted to see them in concert for months, he was right about that.  I didn't really want to go without him, but I knew he was right about not being able to get the time off so soon.  "You won't have the car, how will you get to work."

"I'll get a ride, buy the ticket."

"But, but,  Are you sure?"  I pleaded not wanting him to be mad.

I am going to see 100 monkeys in Concert in less than a week and a half and I am so excited about it I might pop!  I still cannot believe that I'm going on my first mini-road trip to see a band, and yet, I'll be doing it by myself.  I think I'm okay with that.  I'm 23, I can take a 2 day trip and not die just because I'm by myself.  Any kind words?  Any stories of trips you've made to see a band you love?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wow, I never thought I would be able to do that.

I had over 60 blogs on my feed. That meant a lot of posts to wade through each day.  I was reading every single post from every single blog, but it always left me drained and without anytime for anything else to get done.

I am proud to say that I went through and pared that list.  I am sorry that I had to cut that list in half.  However I feel so much lighter, and more relaxed than I have in months. I am no longer reading blogs that don't inspire me.  I am not reading blogs that are just daily whinings.  I am not going to have picture a day posts clogging up my reader. 

That's another thing...You can only take so many pictures of yourself before it starts to get old... am I right?  I mean I get it if your husband is deployed and you want to take a picture of your child everyday so that he can see how much they have grown.  I even get it if you want to just take a random picture everyday, surroundings, children, you on occasion, but taking a oicture of yourself and posting it everyday, what's the point of that?

My pictures would all be similar.  I look the same almost everyday.  I go to work or I stay around the house cleaning and stuff, not too much fun there.  Okay enough endless chatter.  This was just to let everyone know that I will now be leaving comments instead of rushing through your blog going "okay okay, get to the point"

Monday, January 4, 2010

On waking up late, and staying in all day.

Today was a lazy day.  I woke up late.  The house was warm, if a bit messy.  The cat has been stretched out in one position or another all day long, and I've spent most of the day reading some of my favorite blogs, and checking emails.

I am making a wonderful dinner tonight, prepackaged pasta, and some veggies.  It doesn't sound like much, but it will taste awesome.  I love me some bertoli.

I love watching food shows.  I don't think I have the time or patience to make some of those fantastic creations that I see, but I sure love watching and salivating over them.

I need to do laundry, but that can wait.  Sometimes having a day to do nothing is exactly what you need.   If Aaron gets home at some point we might make it to the gym today.  Believe it or not he is on day shift, even though it's 5 o clock and he still isn't home.